Email Copywriting: 120 Spam Trigger Words You Should Avoid Like the Plague

HomeMarketingEmail Copywriting: 120 Spam Trigger Words You Should Avoid Like the Plague

Email marketing could be very effective for generating leads, engaging customers, and driving traffic to your website. Still, one of the major challenges email marketers face is having their emails end up in spam folders. 

This can be as a result of certain spam trigger words they use in their email content, and it can reduce email deliverability or even ruin your marketing campaign. So, how can you avoid this as an email marketer?

The best thing to do is to know the spam triggers words that can make email clients reject your emails or send them to spam. This guide contains 120 spam trigger words you should avoid.  

Spam Filters Check for Red Flags

There are different red flags spam filters look out for to determine whether or not your email message will end up in the spam folder or inbox. They include broken HTML code, links to sketchy websites, messages in ALL CAPS, emails without an unsubscribe button, colourful and different-sized fonts, and the use of certain words.

In this article, we will show you some of the spam trigger words you should avoid in your email marketing campaigns.

120 Spam Trigger Words You Should Avoid Like the Plague

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See also: What is Email Blast? How it Works, How to Do it Right, and FAQs

Spam trigger words are very harmful to your email campaigns; they can make your ads ineffective. You will notice a drop in engagement, and Google doesn’t like these words either, so it can reduce the chances of your website appearing on search engines.

Your best bet is to avoid using these words or use them judiciously so they don’t appear suspicious. If you can get this right, you will be able to improve deliverability and get better results with your email campaigns. 


What are Spam Trigger Words?

Spam trigger words are phrases or words that email providers see as red flags, mostly because they are suspicious. Spam trigger words are often associated with scams, schemes, gimmicks, gifts, and promises; they usually make the email sound too good to be true, and oftentimes it probably is.  

Too many spam trigger words in an email, a bright red font, all caps, and lots of exclamation points will all add up to the reason why your email will be sent to spam by the spam filter. If you also already have a low deliverability rate, it will make things worse. 

What is the Right Way to Use Spam Trigger Words?

Use Them in the Right Context

Context matters, so the fact that you have these words in your email doesn’t automatically mean that your emails will be sent to the spam folders; it depends on how you use the words and what they mean in context. So, use the words appropriately, ensuring they fit naturally into your message. 

Ensure Balance and Relevance

When writing your email, try to find a balance between straightforward and persuasive language communication. Ensure every sentence and word is relevant to your content and contributes to the clarity of your message. 

Focus on Authenticity

Instead of struggling to avoid spam trigger words, be more focused on authenticity and value-driven communication.

Continuous Adaptation

Before starting your email campaigns, ensure you know the rules of the platform you are using and also the email provider your recipients are using because each platform has different rules for spam filters.

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