Email IP Reputation: How Your Sending IP Address Impacts Deliverability

HomeMarketingEmail IP Reputation: How Your Sending IP Address Impacts Deliverability

Email IP reputation is just like a credit score; it is essential in determining whether your emails will be delivered to your recipient’s inbox or their spam folder.

You may do your best to follow the rules and meet all the requirements of email marketing campaigns, but you still won’t get good results. However, if you monitor your IP reputation, you will discover why your hard work hasn’t paid off.

Many email clients use your IP reputation to determine whether your email will be delivered successfully. So, in this guide, we will explore email IP reputation and show you what it is all about. 

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What is an Email IP Reputation? 

An email IP reputation is the measure internet service providers (ISPs) use to assess and evaluate an email sender to determine if they are trustworthy or not. As expected, IP reputation will be measured based on past actions and interactions with recipients. 

Therefore, if you have a good reputation, your emails will be delivered to your recipients’ inboxes, but if not, ISPs will get suspicious, and your emails may end up in the spam folder. They do this to protect their users from spammers and email scams, but it can affect your email campaigns, so you must understand that monitoring and improving your IP reputation is crucial in email marketing

Email IP Reputation

How to Check Your Email IP Reputation

You have two options for checking your email IP reputation: use a dedicated tool or check it manually. 

Before you begin, you need to find the IP of your sending server. To do so, you can check the email header by sending an email to a Gmail account, then open the email using a browser, click on the three dots at the top right corner, and select ‘’Show Original.’’ 

A new window will appear, and you will see the details of the email, including your IP address. If this process is too long, search ‘’What is my IP’’ on Google, but this method is not 100% accurate. Once you are certain you have found your IP address, you can proceed to check your IP reputation using different methods. 

The first method is asking your email service provider to give you information on your reputation; some may have a live dashboard with such reports, while others may take time to prepare the report.

Another option is to monitor your email deliverability rate to determine if your emails are going through and if your recipients are engaging your emails. However, this will depend on the mailbox provider because your emails may be delivered to recipients using Gmail and fail to reach those using Yahoo. 

Finally, you can sign up for feedback loops so that complaints data will be directed to you; if the complaints rate is high, you can tell your IP reputation is low. 

Note that none of these methods gives accurate results, so if you need to be 100% sure of your IP reputation, you must use an IP reputation checker.

Online Tools for Checking Your Email IP Reputation

Email IP Reputation

Google Postmaster Tool

Google Postmaster tool is a one-stop option for checking your IP reputation. It allows you to access the percentage of emails that landed in spam folders and those sent to your recipients’ inboxes. It can also allow you to check your IP reputation in real time, so whenever your reputation drops, you will get alerts.

Sender Score

Sender Score by Return Path is also a great tool for checking IP reputation. It rates your reputation on a scale of 0 to 100. 0 to 70 means your IP reputation is poor and might affect your delivery rate. 70 to 80 is fair, but a healthy IP reputation should be between 80 and 100. 

Talos Intelligence by Cisco

This IP checker uses data sources such as global honeypots, threat feeds, and telemetry from Cisco to assign a reputation score to various IPs or domains, so it is one of the most reliable IP reputation checkers. It also provides information on blacklists, email volume, content, and owner details. 

See also: What is Email Blast? How it Works, How to Do it Right, and FAQs

Checking and maintaining your IP reputation is vital for your email marketing campaigns. Otherwise, you might think you are on the right track when you are far from it. Now that you know what an IP reputation is and how to check it, you can check your own to see whether you need extra work to improve your email marketing strategy. 

However, one thing that will help you maintain a good IP reputation from the beginning is using a reputable email service provider such as Segnivo. One that has already established a trustworthy relationship with internet service providers and follows the right authentication process and strict spam policies. 


How Does Your Sending IP Address Impact Deliverability?

Email clients, mailbox providers, and ISPs track IPs and domains associated with your email messages and examine how subscribers engage with your messages. They give you a score based on these algorithms, and that score represents your IP reputation. This score will determine whether your emails will be allowed into people’s inboxes, spam folders, or even blocked by the mailbox provider.

How do you Improve Your Email IP Reputation?

Make Sure Your Email Content is Relevant

One way to increase email engagement is to create value-added, timely, personalised content for your subscribers. If your content is relevant, subscribers will not complain about your emails and will likely positively interact with them. 

Avoid Spamming

By all means, avoid spamming your subscribers. Do not send too many emails to your subscribers; it will irritate them, and the spam filter may flag your IP. Also, do not use spam trigger words or suspicious content in your emails, so you don’t trigger the spam filters. 

Gradually Warm up Your IP

If you just started using a new IP address, it is important to take things slow and gradually build trust with email clients and ISPs. If you rush things, you will make your IP suspicious, so take time to build your reputation. 

Regularly Monitor and Cleanse Your Email List

As your mailing list grows, your subscribers may not always remain active. Always monitor and remove inactive email addresses to improve the delivery rate and maintain your IP reputation.

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