
In email marketing, spam is an unsolicited or unwanted email sent to a user’s mailbox. It is usually sent out in massive volumes to an indiscriminate recipient list for commercial purposes. 

A human sender or a botnet can send these emails. Still, if spam is not handled appropriately, it can become disturbing for users, as their activities will be constantly disrupted and bugged by unwanted messages. 

Email spam can also be a security threat because the emails may contain malicious links, viruses, or malware that can give cyber criminals access to a user’s computer or phone and allow them to find sensitive information.

However, email clients usually work with spam filters that ensure most spam emails do not reach their users’ inboxes, so in most cases, they end up in the spam folder. 


How do I Stop Spam Emails?

As an email marketer, sending bulk emails for business promotion is inevitable. However, if your emails end up in a spam folder, your efforts and investment will be ruined. So follow these tips to stop spam emails. 

Manage Your Sender’s Reputation

Your reputation as a sender is a score assigned to you based on the quality of your email campaigns, volume, frequency, and user interaction. If your reputation is bad, your emails may end up in the spam folder, so while building this reputation, try not to send too many emails, avoid spam trigger words, and ensure your emails are engaging.

Use Proper Authentication Tools

Ensure your email service provider passes the authentication test with DKIM and SPF.

Check Emails for Spam

After crafting your emails, you can use spam checkers to check them; if they pass the test, you will know what to expect from email clients. If they don’t pass the test, you can make changes before sending the emails. 

Work on Having a High Open Rate

A captivating, engaging, and interesting subject line can significantly increase your email open rate. The subject line is the first thing your recipients see and most often determines whether they will be interested in your email.

Opt-in Users

One way to avoid triggering spam filters is to send emails to those who willingly subscribe to your mailing list; send a confirmation email to ensure they truly want to receive and engage your emails. 

Use a Reliable Email Service Provider

Sending bulk emails and managing your sender’s reputation can be a lot of work, and if not properly handled, they can trigger spam filters. However, a reliable email service provider like Segnivo can handle the bulk of this work and ensure your emails will be delivered without becoming spam.

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