SPF stands for sender policy framework. It is a policy or email authentication protocol used to verify the source of a message. SPF is one of the first attempts at eliminating fraudulent emails and ensuring only real, legitimate emails can make it to the recipient’s inbox. It helps incoming mail servers verify if the proclaimed sender server is the one sending a message. 

When you send an email, the incoming server receives the message and checks the return path and the DNS records to see if they match. If they do, then the message will be authenticated and delivered. 

This system was first developed in 1997 but wasn’t readily adopted until 2004 when big leagues like Microsoft started to support it. 


Why is SPF Important?

When you pick up your phone and unlock it with a password or fingerprint, it tells the phone that you are the owner, so the phone lets you in; otherwise, you will be locked out. SPF does this with servers as well. 

A good SPF tells servers to let your emails through the gates after verifying that they are from you. It also prevents your brand reputation from being associated with spam or scams, so it protects the receiver and sender and helps build a good reputation for brands.

This can also help businesses increase email deliverability because their emails will be tested, trusted, and authorised by servers, and they will be delivered to their subscribers.

SPF significantly reduces email spoofing and scams. For example, if a scammer sends an email purporting to be from Amazon, the subscriber’s incoming mail server will check if it originated from a server authorised by Amazon. It won’t let the message through if it does not, so the subscriber will not get it.

What is an SPF Record?

An SPF record is a code line telling an email recipient that your message originated from you, your brand, your company, or an authorised email service provider working on your behalf. It contains instructions that an email recipient can use to identify the sender of the email message and verify that the sender has been authorised to send emails. The SPF record also serves as a possible return route to the sender if the server later objects to your use of their data.

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