

The postmaster is a mail server administrator that monitors the process of sending emails. It has an email address,, and mail servers route all error messages when sending or processing emails to the postmaster address. 

Most domains have a postmaster address, and every domain that uses a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send emails must have a postmaster address. The address mainly receives error messages, and the postmaster may also automatically generate responses to email errors. 


Why is a Postmaster Important?

There is a lot you can do with the postmaster; other than getting error messages for emails that do not go through, you can check your delivery rate, identify the errors that occur during delivery, recognise the reactions from your subscribers to your email, track the sender’s reputation (domain and IP address), and get information about the number and type of complaints you receive from your recipients.

With these numerous amazing abilities, you can get enough insights into your email marketing campaigns and know how to improve your strategies and the errors to prevent. This can significantly enhance your campaign results as well. 

How to Set up the Postmaster Tool 

Setting up this tool is simple; it usually entails filling out an application form and waiting for approval. 

  • Register or sign in with a mailbox provider such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, etc.
  • Ensure the mailbox provider you chose is popular with your subscribers, or you won’t have any data.
  • Also, ensure the email authentication is configured correctly because the postmaster will get information from DKIM, SPF, and DMARC records.
  • Sign in to a postmaster tool.
  • In the bottom, right-click ”Add.”
  • Enter an authentication domain like SPF or DKIM.
  • Click next and verify the domain.
  • If you wish to verify the domain at some other time, you can click not now, but at some point, you will have to verify the domain.

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