10 Email Copywriting Tips Every Marketer Should Know

HomeMarketing10 Email Copywriting Tips Every Marketer Should Know

Are you an email marketer looking to improve your email copywriting skills and make more sales? You have come to the right place; this guide contains the 10 most effective email copywriting tips every marketer should know. 

Writing great email copies is one of the best ways to increase conversions, but it can be challenging for some marketers while also being very easy for others. Do you know why? It is simply that some marketers know the right things to do, and if you apply these tips correctly, you can become an expert in the game as well.  

10 Email Copywriting Tips Every Marketer Should Know

Email Copywriting Tips

Set Clear Goals

Before writing your email copy, you must know what you intend to achieve with it; otherwise, you won’t even know if your email is doing well.

So you need to determine what success means to you; every email should have a specific target, which could be blog post views, free trial signup, content downloads, and so on. These goals will help you measure your success and know if you need to adjust or change your email copy. 

See also: What are Email Newsletters? How to Start One and Gain Subscribers

Optimise Your Subject Lines

One of the best things you can do for your email copy is to perfect your subject lines; this is the most effective way to grab the attention of your audience and improve your email open rates. Your subject lines can either make your recipient open your email, report it as spam, or delete it, so you must use the right words. 

Your subject line should be benefit-focused; people should feel they will miss out if they don’t open your email. It should also create a sense of urgency and add a bit of mystery to pique their curiosity. You can also use A/B testing to find the best subject lines suitable for your audience.

Use Psychology

Humans react to certain inputs in predictable ways, which is why psychology is also a great tip for email copywriting. Factors like the colour choice of the call to action and fear of missing out (FOMO) can greatly impact the thoughts of your recipients. If your CTA is prominent and colourful, readers will easily notice it and will be compelled to take the bait. Also, inputting a FOMO will compel them to take quick action. 

Be Brief and Informative

People receive so many emails every day, even from brands they didn’t sign up for, so if a user finally opens your email, they won’t have all the time in the world to read your content; that is why you must be brief. Go straight to the point and make sure you are dishing out the most valuable information. 

Avoid Spam Trigger Words

It is possible to write a very captivating email copy, but it will still end up in spam folders; this is one of the fears of every email marketer, and it is not unusual. It usually occurs when you use words that trigger spam filters. Words like make money, 100% free, take action now, satisfaction guaranteed, etc.

These words, if not used in the right content, can trigger spam filters, which are meant to protect users from potentially harmful or deceitful content. So avoid spam trigger words when writing emails or use them in the right context.

Email Copywriting Tips

Know your audience

This is one of the most important email copywriting tips you should always keep in mind; knowing your audience will give you insight into what they may be interested in and how to approach them.

There is so much more to email personalisation than just adding the names and basic details of your recipients. It would help if you got to know them a little better so your emails can resonate with their needs and buyer journey.

Keep your promises

If you succeed in making your subject line promising and interesting, you should keep to that promise in your email copy and give the information your recipients are expecting after reading your subject line. Also, if you made any promises to get subscribers, make sure you keep it. For example, if you promised a free ebook upon signup, make sure you deliver it to help build trust with your subscribers.

Get Your CTA Right

Your call to action is the final push you need to get your readers to take the action you need, so when writing an email copy, you must get your CTA right, make it compelling and creative, use active words, be specific, stay on brand and use contrasting colours to grab attention. 

Reward Subscribers

Special offers are essential to attract subscribers and keep them on your list; they encourage people to open your emails and also give them something to look forward to. So do not hesitate to add rewards to your email copies, such as free ebooks, discounts, coupons, and so on. Also, ensure that your copies emphasise the benefits of being your subscriber and also what they will gain if they follow your CTA. 

Write Like a Person 

If you want readers to engage with your content, then you must write like a human talking to another human and sound like a real person, not a bot. It is best if your email is personalised and does not sound like you sent the same message to millions of people. Also, be conversational; write like you are talking to someone sitting across the table from you; this will make your copy more engaging and interesting for your readers.

See also: What is Email Blast? How it Works, How to Do it Right, and FAQs

There are so many things involved in email marketing, but copywriting is one of the most important things; you need to focus more on it, be as engaging as possible, and create room for interaction with your prospects and customers. With the tips we have discussed so far, you can take your copywriting skills to the next level and write stronger copies that will drive sales for your business. 

Another important thing you must take seriously is your choice of email marketing tool. You need a platform you can trust to be reliable and efficient, and such is none other than Segnivo; it is very affordable and has everything you need to succeed as a marketer, even if you are an absolute beginner. So join Segnivo today to get started on email marketing for your business. 


What is Email Copywriting?

Email copywriting is the process of writing email content for your prospective and current customers to maintain a relationship with them and encourage conversion. This helps them navigate through their journey from the first contact to becoming your loyal customers, and it shows how much you value them. 

Can I use an Email Copywriting Template?

Yes, many email marketing platforms like Segnivo have already made email templates that make email copywriting easier. All you have to do is paste your content, and you are good to go. They also allow you to design your templates to suit your needs. 

Can I Automate my Email Marketing Tasks?

Of course, with Segnivo, you can automate certain recurring tasks, like sending emails at different stages of your email funnel; for example, whenever you have a new subscriber, a verification and a welcome email will be sent automatically. This enables efficiency with email marketing and gives you time to focus on other vital things.

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