BIMI Record

GlossaryBIMI Record

BIMI stands for Brand Indicators for Message Identification, a new standard designed to curb the problem of online impersonators and email scams. 

Many brands now communicate with their prospects and customers via email, so if they don’t put the necessary protocols in place, it will be easy for scammers to impersonate them and destroy the trust they have built with their audience over time. 

Hence, the need for BIMI, when fully implemented, will cause hackers and email scammers to have a tough time impersonating brands, and the issue of email spoofing and scams will be reduced drastically. 

BIMI Record is a DNS text record that displays a brand’s logo. When certified and authenticated, you can add your brand logo to each email message you send, and it will be displayed next to the message in their inbox. 

This way, users can quickly identify a fake logo and learn to recognise the brands they know. BIMI authentication can also be adopted by other messaging platforms, not just for emails, because it is an open standard for all businesses. 

BIMI record

What are the Requirements for Using BIMI? 

For BIMI to be authenticated successfully, some requirements must be met:

  • A good sending history needs to be built. 
  • The sender’s domain must be authenticated by DMARC with either a quarantine or reject policy setup. 
  • The owner of the domain also needs to obtain the proper certifications, such as an extended validation certificate.

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