

Spamming is sending unsolicited or unwanted emails to a list of subscribers. This can be for commercial advertising or non-commercial purposes, or it can be sending the same email to the same user many times.

Different Types of Spamming


Commercial Adverts

Commercial emails are usually considered spamming because when companies get email addresses through online forms, they automatically sign subscribers up for marketing emails and newsletters without confirming whether the subscriber wants to receive them. 

To avoid this, as an email marketer, you should always send confirmation emails to ensure your recipients are ready to receive and engage with your emails and add an unsubscribe option.

Antivirus Warnings

This type of spamming is an email claiming something is wrong with your device. It appears as a fake antivirus alert that offers a link to perform an antiscan. Clicking this link will compromise your device by installing malware or accessing important information. 

Money Scams

These are emails used to exploit people’s generosity. The spammers send urgent and pitiful situations that require financial help. They sometimes promise significant returns if you help them and may also request your bank details as soon as you start engaging with them. Do not share personal information or send money to an unverified email sender, regardless of how touching the story may be. 

Email Spoofing

Email spoofing is when spammers expertly mimic legitimate businesses and corporations. They use the identity of legitimate brands to deceive recipients into engaging in their emails, or they may use a very similar domain name; people will not notice the difference in the email addresses. 

When they send these emails, they can easily get information from people and get them to take action because these people trust the supposed brand that is sending the emails. So always verify the email address and domain name before you respond or take any suggested action.

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